It’s 2016! Where’s Your PR Bling? A 6-Step Guide for Business Owners
Are you a company founder or organization director who has ever retained a PR firm? If you have, then you no doubt used a degree of PR Bling whether you were aware of doing so or not. PR … what? PR Bling. Think of it as the times you were certain we would answer if you were to call us on our cell phones late at night, or early in the morning, when you needed our insight on your media interview, an angle for a press release, or...
3 Holiday PR Stories That Will Make You Smile
If you’re looking for reasons to be entirely fearful and jaded about one of a myriad of troubling world conditions today, you’ll find them within seconds of logging on, dialing in, or listening to personal accounts and news sources. But dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that there may yet still be hope expressed in the form of kindness and basic goodwill extended by others. Leading up to Christmas Day, I stumbled upon 3...
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